Quick Weight Loss Centers Weight-Loss Programs Class Action Quick Weight Loss Centers Weight-Loss Programs In May 2014, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Quick Weight Loss Centers for allegedly falsely advertising its QWLC program. Among other things, plaintiffs claim that the company guarantees consumers…
Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss Study ‘Seriously Flawed’ Consumer News Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss Study ‘Seriously Flawed’ Texas-based Applied Food Science to pay $3.5 million to settle misleading weight-loss claims complaint.
Five Suspect Phrases in Weight Loss Ads Consumer News Five Suspect Phrases in Weight Loss Ads Congress focuses on weight loss ad scams this week.
Ultimate Weight Loss Co. Ad Alert Ultimate Weight Loss Co. Hidden ingredients pose serious health risks, FDA warns supplement maker.
Smelling Your Path to Weight Loss? Consumer News Smelling Your Path to Weight Loss? We all know that pixie dust sprinkled on and around your body can make you fly, so why not a magic tastant crystal that you sniff to lose weight without…
FTC Slaps Weight Loss Marketers with First ROSCA Suit Consumer News FTC Slaps Weight Loss Marketers with First ROSCA Suit Consumer protection law passed by Congress four years ago is finally picking up steam.
Be Wary of the Loosely Regulated World of Weight Loss Supplements Consumer News Be Wary of the Loosely Regulated World of Weight Loss Supplements You’ve seen the ads – online, in magazines, and on TV. Pop this “all natural” pill for easy weight loss with zero effort. Those struggling with the roller coaster ride…
TINA’s Take: Will Pinterest Enforce Its Ban on ALL Weight-Loss Ads? Consumer News TINA’s Take: Will Pinterest Enforce Its Ban on ALL Weight-Loss Ads? Despite the splashy announcement, weight-loss ads persist on social media platform.
Lipozene Brands Lipozene TINA.org investigated Obesity Research Institute’s marketing and found that it was deceptively advertising Lipozene, a weight-loss supplement, claiming that users could lose substantial weight without any change in diet or…
FTC Slaps Sensa for Making Deceptive Weight-Loss Claims Consumer News FTC Slaps Sensa for Making Deceptive Weight-Loss Claims Sprinkle, eat and lose weight is just unproven, says FTC.
Weight-Loss Products That May Only Trim Your Wallet Consumer News Weight-Loss Products That May Only Trim Your Wallet Is losing weight on your New Year’s resolution list?
Study Calls on FDA to Act on Stimulant Found in Weight-Loss Products Consumer News Study Calls on FDA to Act on Stimulant Found in Weight-Loss Products Amphetamine-like ingredient found in Acacia rigidula dietary supplements could trigger harmful reactions.
SlimFast’s ‘Clinically Proven’ Weight-Loss Claims Ad Alert SlimFast’s ‘Clinically Proven’ Weight-Loss Claims Recent inquiry takes aim at company’s “clinically proven” weight-loss claims, with a somewhat surprising result.
Various Labrada Weight-Loss Supplements Class Action Various Labrada Weight-Loss Supplements Allegations: Misleadingly marketing that various supplements provide weight-loss benefits when they don’t
FTC Sues Weight-Loss Marketers for Blocking Bad Reviews Consumer News FTC Sues Weight-Loss Marketers for Blocking Bad Reviews Complaint also asserts that company pushes deceptive weight-loss claims.
Can You Spot a Bogus Weight-Loss Ad Claim? Consumer News Can You Spot a Bogus Weight-Loss Ad Claim? Here’s a reality check.
Not So Fast: Nutrisystem Weight-Loss Claims Called Into Question Consumer News Not So Fast: Nutrisystem Weight-Loss Claims Called Into Question Petition urges federal officials to investigate company while consumer complaints cite multiple issues.
Lipozene Fat Burning Claims Violate FTC Order Consumer News Lipozene Fat Burning Claims Violate FTC Order Get the skinny on TINA.org’s investigation of Lipozene.