Report an Ad
If you spot or believe that you are a victim of a false, misleading or deceptive advertisement in the United States, you can submit a complaint to Please remember that our mission focuses on advertising so this process should not be used to submit complaints about products or service issues.
WHAT? Report false, misleading, or deceptive advertising.
WHY? Your submission may be posted publicly to our Ad Alert page to warn and educate others about a false, misleading, or deceptive ad in the marketplace. The information you submit may also be used to file a complaint with outside agencies.
Please note that while takes every complaint we receive very seriously, we cannot guarantee that we will take action on every single one.
The personal information you submit will not be publicly displayed. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.
- Download, print, and complete this form.
- Mail it to us at:
Truth in Advertising, Inc. P.O. Box 927 Madison, CT 06443
You can also file complaints directly with the appropriate state or federal agencies.