Bait & Switch Advertising
Advertised deals get consumers in the door but not necessarily the price or product they wanted.
Learn about common deceptive marketing tactics and find out where you can file complaints at the state level.
What you can do to protect yourself and avoid becoming a victim.
Advertised deals get consumers in the door but not necessarily the price or product they wanted.
How products marketed as “recyclable” end up in landfills.
Medical devices like to tout their status with the FDA. But what’s behind these terms?
When does a product truly meet the requirements for a Made in USA label?
What the ad giveth, the fine print is not supposed to taketh away.
What kind of disclosure is necessary for social media influencer marketing?
Regulators are there to protect us, but only if we know who they are and how to use them.
A three-part test can help answer that question.
Duped by a false ad? You might consider filing a lawsuit in Small Claims Court.
There are many federal laws that regulate advertisements in some way or another.
Where you can file complaints or research a business in your state.
When the government can restrict commercial speech.
A topic-by-topic list of federal agencies that deal with deceptive advertising.