Courtney Sanders’ Life Coaching Programs
Be wary of these life-changing claims.
January 2023: The Court granted final approval of the settlement agreement.
July 2022: The Court preliminarily approved a settlement agreement that would resolve claims against Labrada Bodybuilding Nutrition. For more information, go to https://labradaclassaction.com/.
February 2020: The claims against Entertainment Media Ventures were voluntarily dismissed for undisclosed reasons.
October 2019: A federal judge granted final approval of the settlement agreement resolving the claims against Naturex.
April 2019: A federal judge granted preliminary approval of a settlement agreement that would resolve the claims against Naturex. According to the settlement terms, class members who have proof of purchase may receive $30 for each product purchased (but the maximum award for class members who do not have proof of purchase is $60 per household). The company also agreed not to represent that Svetol will help users lose weight without diet and exercise, and not to make claims about weight loss benefits when they do not have clinical studies to support the claims. A final fairness hearing is scheduled for October 7, 2019.
September 2018: A federal judge denied certification of the proposed settlement class and denied preliminary approval of the proposed agreement.
June 2018: The parties moved for approval of a settlement agreement that would resolve the claims against Dr. Oz, Zoco Productions, Harpo Productions, and Entertainment Media Ventures. According to the proposed settlement terms, class members may receive a $30 refund for each product purchased (those without proof of purchase will be limited to a total refund of $90 per household). In addition, the media defendants agreed not to re-air certain episodes of The Dr. Oz Show and to remove all clips from those shows from the website.
March 2017: A federal judge dismissed claims against Sony When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled. finding that the allegations against the company were insufficient. To read the decision and learn more about why some claims are moving forward while others are dismissed, click here.
June 2016: An amended complaint, which adds two named plaintiffs and a defendant (EMV) to the lawsuit, was filed.
February 2016: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Labrada Bodybuilding Nutrition, Dr. Oz, Harpo Productions, Sony, Naturex, and several other defendants for allegedly misleadingly marketing various weight-loss supplements – including Labrada Garcinia Cambogia DUAL ACTION FAT BUSTER, Labrada Green Coffee Bean Extract FAT LOSS OPTIMIZER, Labrada Raspberry Ketones METABOLIC ENHANCER, and Labrada FAT BUSTER FAT LOSS AID – as providing weight-loss benefits when, according to plaintiffs, they actually do not provide such benefits. Plaintiffs also allege that deceptive claims about these supplements appear on The Dr. Oz Show and that Dr. Oz misleads the public about his sponsorships and affiliations on the Show. (Woodard et al v. Labrada Bodybuilding Nutrition, Inc. et al, Case No. 16-cv-189, C.D. Cal.)
For more information about weight-loss supplements and TINA.org’s coverage of the product, click here.
Be wary of these life-changing claims.
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