Lipozene investigated Obesity Research Institute’s marketing and found that it was deceptively advertising Lipozene, a weight-loss supplement, claiming that users could lose substantial weight without any change in diet or exercise in violation of a 2005 FTC Order. also found that the company made false Made in the USA claims, and may have bound consumers to a negative option offer without receiving their express informed consent prior to obtaining their billing information. As a result, on April 7, 2016, filed a complaint with the FTC urging the agency to take action.

April 7 sends a complaint letter to FTC, alerting it to Obesity Research Institute’s violations of the 2005 Order, and urging it to reopen its investigation into the company and take appropriate enforcement action.
The FTC files a lawsuit in federal court against Obesity Research Institute and others for deceptively marketing weight-loss supplements. The lawsuit results in a Stipulated Final Judgment that permanently prohibits the defendants from making a number of marketing claims, including claims that products can cause substantial weight loss without the need for physical activity or a change in diet.

Lipozene Fat Burning Claims Violate FTC Order
Get the skinny on’s investigation of Lipozene.
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Deceptive Ads 2016

Ad Watchdog Blasts Lipozene’s Fat Burning Claims
MADISON, CONN. April 11, 2016 Lose weight without changing your lifestyle, according to ads for a popular diet supplement, Lipozene. No so fast says ad watchdog, ( The consumer…

NAD Refers Lipozene Advertising to the FTC
Agency to review dietary supplement’s weight-loss claims.
Class-Action Tracker

April 2018: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the plaintiff’s request for mandamus relief to reverse the order transferring the case. (Case No. 17-70614, 9th Cir.) April 2017: The…