2023 Modere Project 23 Health Claims Database

A 2023 TINA.org investigation has compiled a sampling of more than 200 examples of Modere and its distributors deceptively promoting the company’s Project 23 products as able to balance hormones and treat PMS, menopause, acne, anxiety, urinary tract infections, inflammation and brain fog, among other things.
*TINA.org has shortened the length of some videos in the database.
Claims shown below in gray have been removed from publication or edited to remove the inappropriate health claims as of a September 2024 audit.
Company Websites and Posts
Modere Find Your Formula Flow Chart
Modere OVA & OVA-m FAQ
Modere OVA Hype Reveal
Modere OVA Launch clip 1
Modere OVA Launch clip 2
Modere Shifting Retail OVA & OVA-m
Modere Website Product Listing OVA (video)
Modere Website Product Listing OVA-m (video)
Modere Website Product Listing OVA Balanced Body System
Modere Website Project 23 FAQ (video; link 1, 2)
Modere Website Project 23 Menstrual Preorder
Modere Website Project 23 Social Marketer Prelaunch (video 1, 2, 3; link 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Modere_asmaishaq IG 1/25/23 (video)
Modere_us IG 3/6/23 (video)
Modere_us IG 3/7/23 (video)
Modere_us IG 3/8/23 (video)
Modere_us IG 3/9/23 (video)
Distributor Blogs and Websites
Allie S FB 1/26/23
Andrea H FB 2/4/23 (video)
Andrea H FB 2/15/23
Anna H FB 1/26/ 23 (video)
April M FB 1/25/23
Ashley M FB 1/7/23
Barbie D FB 2/4/23
Beth H FB 1/26/23 (video)
Brittanie S FB 1/26/23
Brittney B FB 1/25/23
Chris M FB 1/25/23
Christine B FB 10/20/22
Cindy S FB 1/26/23
Colette L FB 2/15/23
Coral A FB 2/8/23
Cynthia S FB 1/13/23 (video)
Deidra H FB 2/22/23
Denise G FB 1/30/23
Denise P FB 1/26/23
Diana C FB 3/13/23
Donna R FB 1/28/23 (clip)
Erica D FB 1/25/23
Erin M FB 1/26/23
Gena A FB 2/22/23
Gena K FB 1/20/23
Gillian S FB 1/26/23 (video)
Gurveer K FB 1/30/23 (video 1, 2)
Heather B FB 1/16/23
Heather S FB 1/9/23
Ima F FB 2/9/23
Jeanine G FB 1/26/23
Jenn C FB 2/17/23 (video)
Jennifer B FB 1/30/23 (video)
Jessica K FB 1/27/23
Jessica S FB 1/26/23
Joanne L FB 1/28/23
Julie Anne B FB 1/7/ 23
Justine L FB 2/17/23
Justine L FB 1/24/23
Karen D FB 1/27/23 (video)
Kate K FB 1/15/ 23
Katie M FB 1/29/23
Kelly Co FB 1/26/23
Kelly Cr FB 1/26/23 (video)
Kelly L FB 1/7/23 (video)
Kelly L FB 1/20/23
Kena L FB 1/25/23
Lana E FB 1/22/23 (clip)
Linda S FB 1/11/23 (clip)
Linda S FB 1/16/23
Lisa W FB 1/16/23
Live Clean With Nicole FB 1/17/23
Lora L FB 1/26/23
Marta P FB 2/26/23
Melanie G FB 2/13/23 (video)
Melanie G FB 2/24/23
Natalie B FB 1/26/23
Natalie W FB 1/10/23
Nichole L FB 1/25/23
Nicole F FB 2/17/23 (video)
Opulent By Colly Rae FB 2/14/23
Phil S DC FB 1/19/23
Rosy A FB 1/25/23
Sabrina C FB 1/25/23
Sandra B FB 1/27/23
Sherilyn N FB 1/6/23
Shirley N FB 1/25/23
Sorani R FB 1/24/23
Susan K FB 3/1/23 (video)
Tanisha V FB 1/26/23 (video)
Tara S FB 1/15/23
Terri B FB 1/19/23 (clip)
Terri B FB 1/25/23
Tracey N FB 1/27/23
Trish M FB 1/25/23
Wendy H FB 1/30/23
Alli_s_ IG 1/26/23
Amazingash101 IG 1/7/23
Amhilbrands IG 1/11/23
Amyv IG 1/23/23
Angela_r608 IG 1/17/23
Aprilcm IG 1/16/23
Balancedandbeautifullife IG Story 2/1/23 (clip)
Becky.p.144 IG 1/11/23
Bethers221 IG 1/25/23
Bevgail91 IG 1/19/23
Bferd_1038 IG 1/26/23
Briana_k IG 1/26/23
Cady.f IG 1/25/23
Carmen.j.l IG 1/21/23
Chellieg IG 1/18/23
Chellieg IG 1/19/23
Colettelr IG 3/2/23
Danielle.b.26 IG 2/9/23 (video)
Davidc IG 1/25/23
Debby.h.3 IG 2/13/23
Debw IG 1/29/23 (video)
Denise_s IG 1/26/23
Denisek IG 1/25/23
Eatcleanwithkavita IG 2/28/23
Edandpam0410 IG 1/25/23
Edavisuc IG 1/25/23
Essentialenergyhealing IG 1/16/23
Evansgurl25 IG 1/20/23
Faith_d_p IG 1/12/23
Faith_d_p IG 1/13/23
Fitnessfinatic_13 IG 1/20/23
Gena8913 IG 2/11/23
Gena8913 IG 2/22/23
Getfitwithmanisha IG 1/18/23
Hbelcz IG 1/26/23
Heather_e_s IG 1/9/23
Hewkovanessa IG 1/16/23 A (video)
Hewkovanessa IG 1/16/23 B
Holistichousewife1 IG 1/5/23 (clip 1, 2)
Jackie__h IG 1/12/23
Jackie__h IG 1/28/23
Jaclynk_ IG 1/25/23
Jennifer_r IG 1/26/23 (video)
Jenniferb IG 1/4/23
Jessica.a.s IG 1/26/23 A
Jessica.a.s IG 1/26/23 B
Jocelyncb IG 1/25/23
Julieannes_perspective IG 1/7/23
Kandi.t IG 1/16/23
Kate.c.k IG 1/15/23
Katiepm IG 1/16/23
Kaurgurveer10 IG 1/19/23
Kelliep IG 1/11/23
Kelly_theskinexpert IG 1/7/23 (video)
Kellycoop1 IG 1/26/23
Kelseyea IG 1/29/23
Kimberly_m_h IG 1/23/23
Kimberlymh IG 1/23/23
Kj_72 IG 1/25/23
Krissy_e IG 1/17/23
Lauried0102 IG 1/18/23 (video)
Lbray_2021 IG 1/10/23
Lindijw IG 1/16/23
Lindsa IG 1/16/23
Lindsa IG 1/17/23
Lindseyp IG 1/27/23
Loral IG 1/26/23
Lorih IG 1/16/23
Lornel44 IG 1/21/23
Mama_life_and_collagen IG 1/26/23
Mariskar IG 1/7/23
Mariskar IG 1/12/23
Megan_l IG 1/24/23 (video)
Melissa_ann_6 IG 1/20/23
Melissapage2667 IG 1/25/23
Michelle.g.l IG 1/10/23
Michelle.g.l IG 1/25/23
Michellemeredith15 IG 1/20/23
Maryannsmission IG 1/7/23
Myhairshop IG 1/26/23
Nataliew IG 1/10/23
Nu_trish.m IG 1/25/23
Orjolas IG 1/20/23
Patsysunshine59 IG 1/16/23
Rachel_p IG 1/26/23
Rachelb IG 1/9/23
Reneem77 IG 1/26/23
Retag_socialselling_gigi IG 2/20/23 (video)
Rosew IG 1/25/23
Rosii_healthyliving IG 1/27/23
Roxyartsy IG 1/18/23
Sandra.essentials IG 1/18/23 (video 1, 2)
Sandra.essentials IG 1/25/23 (video 1, 2)
Sarahl6710 IG 1/25/23
Shannon.p61 IG 1/27/23
Sharon_b71 IG 1/17/23
Shelly_frazz IG 1/13/23
Stephanej_k IG 1/26/23
Terrib124 IG 1/16/23
Terriekl IG 1/25/23
Terrilynnb IG 1/23/23
Terrilynnb IG 1/25/23
Terrilynnb IG 2/14/23
The.sara.s IG 1/26/23
Thebrittneyb IG 1/25/23
Themeganberg IG 1/26/23
Theretaguild IG 1/11/23
This.exceptionallife IG 1/25/23
Tlcorbin12 IG 1/25/23
Tracie.s IG 1/25/23
Traub_j IG 1/24/23
Trusnovec IG 1/12/23
Wellnessempoweredmama_ IG 1/18/23
Wellnessempoweredmama_ IG 1/26/23
Yoga4lifewinnipeg123 IG 1/27/23
Yougotthis_terril IG 1/19/23