
117 Results


The Honest Company

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The Honest Company

Company’s “free” trial for diapers and wipes could end up costing you big if you miss the terms.


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Regulators question whether the gummy snack is anything more than a “nutritionally void candy.”

YumEarth Organics Pops

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YumEarth Organics Pops

You may be very, very surprised to learn what’s missing in this company’s “very very cherry” pops.

Peak Height

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Peak Height

Want to grow taller? You might want to think twice before you try this one on for size.

Spongeables Anti-Cellulite Body Wash in a Sponge

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Spongeables Anti-Cellulite Body Wash in a Sponge

Spongeables is advertising its “Anti-Cellulite Body Wash in a Sponge” with claims that might be deceptive. Advertisers can’t say a product will treat or cure cellulite without providing scientific studies…

Skin Element

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Skin Element

Don’t let this wrinkle cream free trial give you worry lines.

Graviola Extract

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Graviola Extract

The FDA sent a warning letter to Graviola Group in April 2014 for selling its Graviola Extract without FDA approval in violation of the FDA regulations. According to the FDA’s…


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UPDATE 2/18/15: A representative of Bystrictin informed that the company is no longer in business and no longer advertising. Whenever someone tells you that you can lose weight without really…


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USA TODAY published an investigation of popular arthritis supplement Reumofan this week — an investigation that found, basically, you want to stay away from Reumofan. [C]onsumers who buy Reumofan products…

Y. S. Health Corp

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Y. S. Health Corp

The FDA has issued a warning letter to Y.S. Health Corp for making drug claims in violation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Y.S. Health Corp is also under…

Lumina Health Products

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Lumina Health Products

The FDA has issued a warning letter to Lumina Health Products for selling several of its supplements with misleading advertising and unfounded treatment claims. The products under scrutiny are CELLFOOD, CELLFOOD… Immunotect

Ad Alert Immunotect

From the continuing chronicles of supplements making outrageous claims: pitched its Immunotect dietary supplement with claims that it could attack “cancerous cells” and had “anti-cancer effects.” The Council for…

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Here’s a radio ad we heard for   “Ladies, have you lost your passion? Are you uninterested in sex with your partner? Do you put off romance for more…

Starbucks Verismo Coffee System

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Starbucks Verismo Coffee System

Starbucks advertised its Verismo at-home coffee system as making “coffeehouse quality lattes…” or “Lattes … made to cafe standard… ,” though presumably without acoustic folk-rock CDs and a coffee cup…

Best Yet!

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Best Yet!

Best Yet!, a line of cedar-oil-based products claiming to treat and prevent bed bugs and lice, agreed to enter into a settlement with the FTC over allegedly deceptive advertising claims…

Entrenet Nutritionals, Inc.

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Entrenet Nutritionals, Inc.

According to a warning letter from the FDA, Entrenet Nutritionals is advertising four different nutritional supplements as drugs in violation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act because of the…


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Company marketing “height growth vitamins” makes some tall claims.

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