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Power 4 Patriots

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Power 4 Patriots

This online ad for Power 4 Patriots has all the buzzwords and formulas associated with scammy pitches: [authority groups] HATE this! Find out the one WEIRD trick that can save…


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Mobile payment app settles charges it misled consumers about availability of funds.


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Company claims to save consumers money at the pump. But there are red flags.

iTriage App

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iTriage App

Health care app makes changes to data collection disclosures following self-regulatory review.


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Despite claims to offer “upfront pricing,” company does not provide consumers with removal estimates in its ads or on its website.


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Trial offer for skin care product carries with it the potential for additional charges.


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Unexpected charges send advertised price spiraling for reader.

Invitation to 10k Scholarship: Does It Really Offer Savings?

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Invitation to 10k Scholarship: Does It Really Offer Savings?

Be wary of any scholarship that doesn’t require any academic credentials, extracurricular achievements, or essays for awarding money.  This ad links to Scholarship Zone, which says in its Privacy Policy…

US Capital Advance

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US Capital Advance

A reader contacted us with a complaint about US Capital Advance, a loan provider she says took her money and never provided her with a loan. A couple of things…

Mesothelioma Info

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Mesothelioma Info

This e-mail claims to link to mesothelioma information, but in reality it does not provide any useful information at all. The site linked just contains a bunch of links that…

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