
41 Results



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A misleading income disclosure statement is just the tip of the iceberg with this supplement MLM.

BlackOxygen Organics

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BlackOxygen Organics

Spoiler alert: MLM’s products have not been proven to alleviate the symptoms of long-haul COVID.


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MLM has been saying it will launch since 2018. Distributors are “fed up.”

Q Sciences

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Q Sciences

Hemp MLM deceptively markets “side-gig” that can “replace your full-time income completely.”

Coronavirus Scammers

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Coronavirus Scammers

Tranont distributor touts MLM’s nutritional supplements as a prevention for the coronavirus.


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CBD MLM put on notice regarding distributors’ health claims.

Greg Viegas

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Greg Viegas

A network marketing coach doesn’t deliver on his (expensive) promises.


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Prohibited income claims remain in publication despite consumer complaint to MLM’s compliance department.

Root Wellness

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Root Wellness

The root of the problem: an MLM’s inability to remove unsubstantiated health claims.

Basic Reset

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Basic Reset

This MLM company might need to reset how it markets its miracle supplements.

EPX Body

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EPX Body

MLM’s “guaranteed” monthly earnings may not be realized by most.

Traffic Authority

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Traffic Authority

MLM touts big earnings for its affiliates but company income disclaimer tells a different story.

Plexus Breast Chek

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Plexus Breast Chek

Some claims are not checking out with this MLM’s marketing of its Breast Chek self-exam kit.

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