
105 Results


Xfinity Mobile

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Xfinity Mobile

Experiencing the “fastest mobile service” requires a Wi-Fi connection.

Rich At Last?

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Rich At Last?

Website promises get-rich-quick scheme, but ERSP and FTC have their doubts.

Bosley Hair Restoration

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Bosley Hair Restoration

Bosley advertises its hair transplant operation with TV and Internet spots, and even the occasional spam email. But while the operation does work for some, Robert Bernstein, the clinical professor…

Apollo Mental Clarity

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Apollo Mental Clarity

What’s not so clear? How this “smart pill” works and won’t just end up maxing out your credit card.


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Streaming sports on this app may require you to move around a bit, undercutting claims that you can watch “wherever you are.”

Automation Riches

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Automation Riches

The only thing rich about this internet company is its proclivity for touting unrealistic income claims.

CannaPro CBD

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CannaPro CBD

A fake celebrity endorsement by Tom Hanks is the tip of the iceberg with this CBD product.

Empower Network

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Empower Network

Empower Network says it is a “blogging platform, an intensive training, a secret blueprint on how to earn fifteen grand per month” (Stop right there, this vague description of what…


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Thumbtack is a website that claims it’s “a new way to hire local services.” The site serves as an online cork board, where consumers can post help-wanted ads for caterers,…

Where Bankers Hide

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Where Bankers Hide

  We heard this radio ad for “” and it set off the good ol’ suspicious-o-meter at TINA headquarters. In the ad, Farmer Henry says he’s got a bone to…

Pure Green Coffee

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Pure Green Coffee

UPDATE 11/15/16: A U.S. district court judge has ordered that Pure Green Coffee pitchman Nicholas Congleton pay $30 million after the FTC alleged that Congleton deceived consumers using false weight-loss claims.…

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