Another One: Calls Out DJ Khaled’s Undisclosed Alcohol Ads, Again Consumer News Another One: Calls Out DJ Khaled’s Undisclosed Alcohol Ads, Again DJ Khaled is back to his old ways with his latest new drink alert.
Exposure without Disclosure: Cashing In with the Kardashians Consumer News Exposure without Disclosure: Cashing In with the Kardashians takes famous family’s deceptive social media endorsements to the FTC.
Things You Should Know about E-Cigarettes Consumer News Things You Should Know about E-Cigarettes Surgeon General calls e-cigarettes a health risk for youngsters; advocates call for tougher marketing restrictions.
Ad or Not? Kylie Jenner Consumer News Ad or Not? Kylie Jenner Just a nice shoutout on Instagram or was Kylie Jenner making up with make-up artist Vlada Haggerty?
Ad or Not? That Paisley Asymmetrical Dress on Instagram Consumer News Ad or Not? That Paisley Asymmetrical Dress on Instagram You know the one we’re talking about.
Ad or Not? Stock Tips Edition Consumer News Ad or Not? Stock Tips Edition Unbiased, independent investing research or paid-for stock promotion?
Ad or Not? Neil Patrick Harris and Heineken Consumer News Ad or Not? Neil Patrick Harris and Heineken Despite the inflatable pool toy, this type of influencer marketing doesn’t float.
Forever Living’s Neverending Deceptive Income Claims Consumer News Forever Living’s Neverending Deceptive Income Claims The MLM has been making deceptive earnings claims for the past decade.
Ad or Not? Luke Skywalker and His Cool Shades Consumer News Ad or Not? Luke Skywalker and His Cool Shades Luke Skywalker edges toward the dark side of influencer marketing in Instagram post.
Ad or Not? Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, aka Chonas Consumer News Ad or Not? Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, aka Chonas Wedding-themed Instagram posts preceding couple’s nuptials weren’t just about their affection for each other.
Ad or Not? Khloe Kardashian and Calvin Klein Consumer News Ad or Not? Khloe Kardashian and Calvin Klein An official ad campaign announcement has us taking a second look at another big reveal.
DJ Khaled’s Snapchat Sobers Up Consumer News DJ Khaled’s Snapchat Sobers Up The ‘King of Snapchat’ scales back promotion of alcohol following investigation.
Ad or Not? Khoudia Diop and Caress Body Wash Consumer News Ad or Not? Khoudia Diop and Caress Body Wash Finding evidence of a material relationship on this sponsored post requires some real sleuthing.
Ad or Not? Lipsticknick and Fashion Nova Curve Consumer News Ad or Not? Lipsticknick and Fashion Nova Curve Makeup artist and beauty influencer Lipsticknick needs to “make up” her mind about proper disclosure.
5 Ad Trends to Be Wary of in 2021 Consumer News 5 Ad Trends to Be Wary of in 2021 From fairwashing to fragrance, consumers have plenty to watch out for in 2021.
Ad or Not? Beyoncé and Tiffany & Co. Consumer News Ad or Not? Beyoncé and Tiffany & Co. Why Queen B may need to “Check on It” before endorsing brands on Insta.
FabKids’ Back-to-School Ads Mislead Parents Consumer News FabKids’ Back-to-School Ads Mislead Parents Online retailer deceptively advertises members-only prices, investigation finds.
Holiday Shopping: Not Every Deal’s Worth It Consumer News Holiday Shopping: Not Every Deal’s Worth It Protect yourself against deceptive advertising this holiday shopping season.
New Balance, an Iconic Made in USA Brand, Defies FTC Law Consumer News New Balance, an Iconic Made in USA Brand, Defies FTC Law files a complaint with federal regulators over shoemaker’s deceptive made in the USA claims.
Grading the BBB: Ratings after FTC Actions Consumer News Grading the BBB: Ratings after FTC Actions investigation finds more than a dozen companies in good standing with the BBB following an FTC action.