H&M’s Sustainability Profiles, Environmental Claims Ad Alert H&M’s Sustainability Profiles, Environmental Claims What’s sustainable about fast fashion?
Oatly’s Environmental Claims Ad Alert Oatly’s Environmental Claims Oat milk company’s environmental claims come under fire.
Etihad Airways Ad Alert Etihad Airways “Sustainable aviation” may be the future but it’s not the reality in 2023.
Amazon Prime’s Free One-Day Delivery Ad Alert Amazon Prime’s Free One-Day Delivery To actually get this perk, consumers may have to pay very close attention.
Natural American Spirit Ad Alert Natural American Spirit A healthier option to conventional smokes this cigarette brand is not.
Nutrio2 Ad Alert Nutrio2 The breathing room for this supplement decreases as NAD refers claims to the FTC.
Keystone RV Company’s Climate Guard, Polar Package Ad Alert Keystone RV Company’s Climate Guard, Polar Package TINA.org reader Tyla S. is not a happy camper.
Cascade Platinum Ad Alert Cascade Platinum Detergent brand uses greenwashing in effort to convince consumers that running a less than full dishwasher is actually good for the environment.
Blueland Ad Alert Blueland Cleaning products company claimed every piece of packaging was “100% recyclable” when some materials were only compostable.
ActivePure Technology Air Purifiers Ad Alert ActivePure Technology Air Purifiers Products’ purported efficacy against COVID-19 reflects results from lab studies, not real-world studies. There’s a big difference.
Virgin Atlantic: ‘100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel’ Ad Alert Virgin Atlantic: ‘100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel’ Ad regulator finds term potentially misleading in context of radio ad.
Life Force Ad Alert Life Force A TINA.org reader alerted us on Facebook — and hey, you should like us on Facebook too — about Life Force, a Tampa-based company that says it uses “Science to…
Zombie Run Proved Frightful Ad Alert Zombie Run Proved Frightful Reader says Groupon ad for run was deceptive.
RegrowAustralia Ad Alert RegrowAustralia Another TINA.org reader flags another opportunistic bracelet seller seeking to cash in on the charity of others.
Dr. Rawls’ ‘Lyme Story,’ Vital Plan Supplements Ad Alert Dr. Rawls’ ‘Lyme Story,’ Vital Plan Supplements Lyme disease is bad, but questionable treatment claims? Now that really bites.
Lullaby Hammock Ad Alert Lullaby Hammock Marketer of baby hammock claims its product reduces the risk of SIDS but lacks the evidence to prove it.
Bumble Bee Tuna’s ‘Dolphin Safe’ Claims Ad Alert Bumble Bee Tuna’s ‘Dolphin Safe’ Claims Lawsuit alleges company’s tuna fishing methods kill dolphins, despite a “dolphin safe” logo on the can.
GreenPan Ad Alert GreenPan Class-action lawsuit against cookware company challenges its “green” claims.
Beyond Meat: Made without ‘Synthetically Produced Ingredients’? Ad Alert Beyond Meat: Made without ‘Synthetically Produced Ingredients’? TINA.org investigates ingredients in company’s flagship product, the Beyond Burger.