
19 Results


Yahoo Email

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Yahoo Email

Know the red flags of a spam email. Your personal information could very well be at risk.

Olga Shoe

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Olga Shoe

When the photos on the website don’t match the reality.

Foreign Lottery Emails

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Foreign Lottery Emails

We received a spam email regarding a winning ticket to the Canada-UK Lottery. The FTC warns that many scam operators are based in Canada, which is where this email is…

Can You Win the African Lottery?

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Can You Win the African Lottery?

Playing foreign lotteries is illegal. Do not reply to an e-mail like this or provide any information to the sender. For more information, check out’s article on sweepstakes and…

A to Z Cash System

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A to Z Cash System

We saw this marketing email promoting work-at-home opportunities, and it set off our scam bells. Here’s what you need to know about this one: 1. Advertorial: Clicking on the email…