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GNC Cyber Monday Email

GNC email misleads consumers on when its Cyber Monday deals expire.

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GNC Cyber Monday Email

If you use email, and we’re betting you do, you may find yourself currently inundated with Cyber Monday deals. And you would not be unwise to think that a good way to address this sudden influx of deals in your inbox would be to check out the ones that expire first. In fact, GNC appears to be banking on it.

Earlier this morning, at 9:06 a.m., GNC sent out an email with the subject line: “Cyber Monday Ends In Minutes! Shop Before We Pull The Plug!” The problem is that GNC’s Cyber Monday deals are available all day, as the supplement retailer acknowledges in a countdown clock in the body of the email:

Of course, consumers must open the email to learn just how loosely GNC is using the measurement of “minutes” in the subject line, which is just a tad misleading.

Find more of our coverage on Cyber Monday here.

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