
32 Results


Ashford University

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Ashford University

“I think this is a scam, an absolute scam,” Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) said of Bridgepoint, the parent company of the for-profit Ashford University, during a Senate hearing in 2011.…

Life Force

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Life Force

A reader alerted us on Facebook — and hey, you should like us on Facebook too — about Life Force, a Tampa-based company that says it uses “Science to…

Degree Solutions

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Degree Solutions

It appears this is not so much an ad for an online bachelor’s degree as it is a portal to other ads.

College Degree in 30 Days?

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College Degree in 30 Days?

Sorry, you can’t buy a diploma. You have to earn one. For more information, see diploma mills. From: “Chase Walker” Date: August 20, 2012 10:45:34 PM EDT To: Subject: You don’t…

Student Aid Center

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Student Aid Center

Regulators say company doesn’t have the authority to approve the loan forgiveness programs it markets.

Cash Creation: Who Gets the Dough?

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Cash Creation: Who Gets the Dough?

The site linked in this e-mail is selling a “cash creation” system that involves taking online surveys. Beware of any job that “requires no prior experience, education, or special skills.”…

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What’s the honor of being a member of this honor society? And what real benefits does it offer?

SeaQuest Fort Lauderdale

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SeaQuest Fort Lauderdale

Figuring out when this interactive aquarium will open is a quest in itself, as consumers complain of a bait and switch.


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Chain of private colleges faces lawsuit over post-graduation earnings claims.