
1506 Results


Ocanna CBD

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Ocanna CBD

Disease-treatment claims vanish in wake of FTC warning letter.

NuLife CBD

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NuLife CBD

Disease-treatment claims vanish in wake of FTC warning letter.

Aloe Veritas

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Aloe Veritas

MLM becomes the first to have its ad claims referred to the FTC by direct selling self-regulatory program.

Iron Company

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Iron Company

FTC spots potentially misleading made in the USA claims in company’s marketing.

BedHead Pajamas

Ad Alert

BedHead Pajamas

Sleepwear company makes changes to made in the USA marketing in wake of FTC inquiry.

Prescription Drug Lawsuits

Ad Alert

Prescription Drug Lawsuits

“If you or a loved one…” has seen or heard ads that start like this, don’t toss your medications just yet.


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Just how many cups of coffee does this canister yield?

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