
64 Results


Athletic Greens

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Athletic Greens

Over-the-top weight-loss claims abound in this ad for a dietary supplement powder.

True Costs of Food Lovers Fat Loss System

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True Costs of Food Lovers Fat Loss System

This  television ad for the Food Lovers Fat Loss System is filled with misleading statements and atypical weight loss results. It emphasizes the delicious foods you can continue to eat…

Tummy Tuck Belt

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Tummy Tuck Belt … No. Just no. Most of these claims are suspicious. The Tummy Tuck Belt system appears to have three parts: A spanx-like compressing corset, a “thermal accelerator cream” that…

All Consumer Health News

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All Consumer Health News

This online advertisement takes you to, a website that indeed looks a lot like a consumer health news site. It is not. It is an advertisement, as disclosures at…

Flat Belly Overnight

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Flat Belly Overnight

Reader alerts to email touting miracle health claims for dietary and exercise program.

Fit Tea

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Fit Tea

Diet tea cited by NAD for undisclosed sponsored Instagram posts and health claims.

Dolphin Intertrade Corporation

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Dolphin Intertrade Corporation

The FDA has issued a warning letter to Dolphin Intertrade Corporation because the company is allegedly marketing supplements that contain an unapproved prescription drug ingredient. According to the FDA, Dolphin…


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FDA alerts supplement marketer to a laundry list of violations.

Lose 11 LBS Fast!

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Lose 11 LBS Fast!

We’ve seen this ad across the web, and it set off our suspic-o-meters: Clicking on the ad takes you to a website that poses as a health news site, but…

Fat Zero

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Fat Zero

The FDA is telling consumers to stay away from Fat Zero, a supplement sold for weight loss that contains hidden drug ingredients sibutramine and phenolphthalein. Sibutramine was removed from the…

Booty Max

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Booty Max

“Two easy payments of $19.95” proves elusive for reader’s boyfriend.

Meizi Evolution

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Meizi Evolution

The FDA is advising consumers to avoid “Meizi Evolution,” a product sold for weight-loss that was found to contain a hidden drug ingredient. According to the FDA, FDA laboratory analysis…

Strawberry Balance

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Strawberry Balance

The FDA is advising consumers to avoid “Strawberry Balance,” a product sold for weight-loss that was found to contain hidden drug ingredients. According to the FDA, FDA laboratory analysis confirmed…

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