
51 Results



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Fake news site selling skin cream has a fair amount of wrinkles.

Instant Checkmate

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Instant Checkmate

Instant Checkmate advertises its “new controversial” website as a way for “anyone with a computer” to view arrest records and perform background checks on friends and family. But can they…

Free Score 360

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Free Score 360

As seen in our spam inbox. Want to check your credit reports? Contact one of the three credit bureaus — One of the primary consumer credit reporting agencies, Equifax and…


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Discounted athletic wear carries enrollment into thorny monthly subscription service.

Hubble Contacts

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Hubble Contacts

The first box may be “free” (sort of) but the second one isn’t and it’s on its way before you know it.

Skin Element

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Skin Element

Don’t let this wrinkle cream free trial give you worry lines.

Apollo Mental Clarity

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Apollo Mental Clarity

What’s not so clear? How this “smart pill” works and won’t just end up maxing out your credit card.

Wen Hair Care

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Wen Hair Care

FDA opens investigation into consumer complaints that product causes hair loss.

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