
63 Results


Skin Element

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Skin Element

Don’t let this wrinkle cream free trial give you worry lines.

Dry Farm Wines

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Dry Farm Wines

Drinking low alcohol wines to avoid a hangover? Here’s why that doesn’t work.


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As heard on Sirius XM:   Lifelock tells us that “Don” became the victim of identity theft and ran into trouble at home and at work. But Lifelock doesn’t mention…

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Here’s a radio ad we heard for   “Ladies, have you lost your passion? Are you uninterested in sex with your partner? Do you put off romance for more…

Xtreme Muscle Pro

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Xtreme Muscle Pro

Xtreme Muscle Pro, a fitness supplement, makes a lot of ridiculous-sounding claims on its website (“Convert fat to muscle!” “Hydrate blood cells!” and best of all, “More than 1 ingredient!”),…

Get out of Debt Quick Ad Has Hidden Costs

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Get out of Debt Quick Ad Has Hidden Costs

This radio ad from 77WABC promotes a get-out-of-debt quick scheme by John Cummuta. It says you can order a free CD to find out more about “transforming debt into wealth,”…

Vapex E-Cigarette Freestarter Kit

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Vapex E-Cigarette Freestarter Kit

If e-cigarettes are your thing (and we’re not saying they should be), there are many options out there. Maybe this isn’t the best one.

Fungus Eliminator

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Fungus Eliminator

Forty-five million Americans are ‘fighting a losing battle’ against toenail fungus. Could this supplement be the solution?


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Cost to ask a question and actually have it answered remains elusive for consumers.

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