Pure Herbal Total Defense Immunity Blend
Latest coronavirus scam to land on TINA.org’s radar comes packaged as a fake Fox News article.
Perfect Age may sound similar to L’Oreal Paris’ Age Perfect but its marketers want you to know that it’s nothing like the established brand. The product claims on its website:
The truth behind skin care products is that the more well-known they are, the more likely they are to be a waste of money. When comparing the difference between these products, there are ones that focus on cause and ones that focus on the effect. The Perfect Age Cream goes above and beyond by primarily focusing on the cause.
So you’ve tried the rest, now try the best. And what do you know, there’s a “risk-free” trial offer for a jar of this “fountain of youth” purported to repair damaged skin cells. Just pay $4.95 for shipping and handling. Is that a rainbow over yonder?
Come back to earth: This “risk-free” trial offer signs you up for future shipments that you must call to cancel. Fail to phone the company within 14 calendar days of placing your trial order and expect to get charged nearly $90 on the 14th day (for the full price of the trial offer) and every 30 days thereafter (for additional products) until you call to cancel.
What’s more, fine print that discloses the details of this Recurring offers or subscriptions that continue to bill you until you take steps to shut down the account. These types of offers put the onus on the consumer to remember and to take action, allowing a company to keep gathering in cash from forgetful or busy customers. Be wary of these types of offers, and remember to stop services you no longer want. is easy to miss, appearing below the fold of the trial order page in an area that users must scroll down to see. (The FTC requires that such disclosures be “clear and conspicuous.”)
RELATED: FTC IDs 15 skin care companies offering ‘bogus’ free trials
Another wrinkle with the Perfect Age site, to which a reader initially alerted TINA.org, is how it substantiates its anti-aging claims. For evidence that the product can in fact “trim years off your appearance,” the site directs visitors to a post on letstalkbeauty.com that describes the purported benefits of argireline, an apparent ingredient in Perfect Age. But under “Clinical Research,” the post concedes:
Argireline has been subjected to clinical testing involving both living and inanimate organic test subjects, but it has not been subjected to any published double-blind trials (Rigorous scientific trials that are designed to exclude biased results from both the subjects and the researchers).
The only thing this product may trim is your wallet.
Find more of our coverage on anti-aging products here.
Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.
Latest coronavirus scam to land on TINA.org’s radar comes packaged as a fake Fox News article.
Webpage promoting ED pill is the quintessential example of fake news.
TINA.org gives this ED pill a failing grade.