
117 Results


Poland Spring ORIGIN

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Poland Spring ORIGIN

Poland Spring charges consumers a premium for its ORIGIN water. What are they getting in return?

Native Deodorant

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Native Deodorant

NAD finds evidence lacking to support claims to absorb moisture and protect against underarm wetness.

Cognivex Clarity

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Cognivex Clarity

The most vexing thing of all? The brain supplement admits there are no studies to back up its claims.

Green Roads Health

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Green Roads Health

FDA reminds marijuana marketers that outing unproven treatment claims remains high on its list.

Verified Forskolin

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Verified Forskolin

NAD refers supplement’s various health claims to the FTC after website operator fails to show substantiation.


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FDA warns company behind male fertility supplement about unapproved drug claims.

Wen Hair Care

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Wen Hair Care

FDA opens investigation into consumer complaints that product causes hair loss.

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