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Spam email leads to a fake endorsement from Dr. Oz, among other celebrities.
The most vexing thing of all? The brain supplement admits there are no studies to back up its claims.
UPDATE 8/22/18: Since the publication of this ad alert, TINA.org has received several consumer complaints regarding the ineffectiveness of Cognivex Clarity, the use of fake celebrity endorsements in its marketing, and difficulties canceling future shipments.
There’s a lot to unpack on this webpage pitching a trial bottle of a brain supplement called Cognivex Clarity, which despite having the appearance of an independent review is actually an advertisement created by the company. Let’s start with the section, How Does Cognivex Work?, because by the company’s own admission, it doesn’t. That section states in part:
Cognivex claims to increase your focus, concentration, alertness, and memory. Unfortunately there are no studies on this particular product so these claims are unverifiable.
We could stop there — Cognivex should — but let’s journey further down the rabbit hole, shall we? The next section, Is Cognivex Safe to Use?, attempts to make the case for supplements, which are not closely regulated by the FDA, being safer than prescription drugs, which are, but then contradicts itself brilliantly (commentary by TINA.org):
Okay, so if prescription drugs are not necessarily safe, natural supplements surely are. (Wait for it…) Well, the logic isn’t so simple. (Oh, really?) When you hear words like “natural” you tend to expect a perfectly safe product with no adverse effects. (Gee, where would consumers get that idea? Could supplement sites like this one have anything to do with it? Nah…) But you should always do your own research on the ingredients to see if there are any risks for side effects.
That’s actually a great tip. The problem is that Cognivex doesn’t share its ingredients on the page. The section continues:
Cognivex Brain Booster (Hey, another name, that’s fun.) is just one nootropic as well. Without knowing the properties or specific ingredients, it’s hard to say how it compares to others.
We could go on. We could tell you, for example, that after clicking “Order Now” you’re taken to a page where the trial bottle turns into a discounted bottle (which implies that there’s a cost) and the name of the supplement is now CortyX Clarity and, according to the terms and conditions linked at the bottom of the page, there’s an auto-shipment program to watch out for. But at this point, you probably get the picture.
Find more of our coverage on supplements here.
Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.
Spam email leads to a fake endorsement from Dr. Oz, among other celebrities.
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