
498 Results



Class Action


False advertising class-action lawsuits filed regarding the marketing of Ricola throat and cough products.

Rainbow Swing Sets

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Rainbow Swing Sets

Manufacturer comes under fire for not playing by the rules when it comes to making Made in the USA claims.

Thursday Boot Co.

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Thursday Boot Co.

Company claims its boots are “Handcrafted in the USA” but not all of them are.

BedHead Pajamas

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BedHead Pajamas

Sleepwear company makes changes to made in the USA marketing in wake of FTC inquiry.

2022 Mercedes-Benz Made in USA Database


2022 Mercedes-Benz Made in USA Database

The following is a sampling of Mercedes-Benz marketing materials that deceptively claim that certain vehicles are “built” in the United States when, in reality, the vehicles are assembled in the…

2023 Noevir USA Income Claims Database


2023 Noevir USA Income Claims Database

Between June and November 2023, investigated 100 MLM companies, which included 93 DSA member companies plus 7 other prominent MLM companies, and found that 98 percent used atypical and…

Iron Company

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Iron Company

FTC spots potentially misleading made in the USA claims in company’s marketing.

Windows USA/Alaskan Windows Systems

Class Action

Windows USA/Alaskan Windows Systems

In July 2016, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Windows USA and Alaskan Window Systems and other related companies for allegedly perpetuating “a fraud and a scam” in the sales…

Patriot Tube

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Patriot Tube

FTC brings company’s questionable Made in the USA claims into the light of day.

Ratio Coffee

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Ratio Coffee

Coffeemaker’s Made in the USA marketing takes a lump after FTC inquiry.

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