Goldbaum’s Kale Chips Ad Alert Goldbaum’s Kale Chips What you should know about the “star ingredient” in this bag of chips.
ZYTO Technologies Ad Alert ZYTO Technologies FDA warning letter focuses on the ZYTO Hand Cradle, marketed as a medical diagnostic device.
Don’t Go Cocoa for Bulk Apothecary’s “Lowest Price” Ad Alert Don’t Go Cocoa for Bulk Apothecary’s “Lowest Price” Google ad peddles a cocoa butter price that were not sure actually exists.
The Kids Guide to Fighting Socialism Ad Alert The Kids Guide to Fighting Socialism “Free” guide harbors future charges that aren’t disclosed in a frightening email to parents and grandparents.
BlackOxygen Organics-Turned-Youngevity Reps Say BOO is Back Ad Alert BlackOxygen Organics-Turned-Youngevity Reps Say BOO is Back Nearly recalled by the FDA, BOO is purportedly back on the market.
Dr. Richard Gerhauser Ad Alert Dr. Richard Gerhauser Doctor pitches bogus health treatments in violation of federal order.
Lasik Vision Institute Ad Alert Lasik Vision Institute We recently received an e-mail advertising services from the Lasik Vision Institute (LVI). Our anti-Malware that sneaks onto your computer software blocked all of the links in the e-mail, which…
Corinthian Colleges Ad Alert Corinthian Colleges For-profit company ordered to pay more than $1 billion for a number of deceptive practices. Ad Alert “You don’t have time for the problems a low credit score creates,” says this radio ad for “Although your results may vary, our past customers have seen an…
Elena F From Russia Ad Alert Elena F From Russia Not to be had for love or money. Well, definitely not love.
‘Complimentary Bottle’ of Nugenix Total-T Ad Alert ‘Complimentary Bottle’ of Nugenix Total-T Promotion for purported testosterone booster has some hard-to-believe claims.
Smartwatches, Smart Rings Marketed to Measure Blood Sugar Ad Alert Smartwatches, Smart Rings Marketed to Measure Blood Sugar FDA warns consumers that devices cannot be trusted to give accurate blood sugar measurements.
PurelyWhite Deluxe Teeth Whitening Kit Ad Alert PurelyWhite Deluxe Teeth Whitening Kit Shining a bright light on this company’s marketing claims.
Cox Mobile Ad Alert Cox Mobile Spoiler: In order to be eligible for Cox Mobile, customers must already have Cox Internet.