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The FDA is advising consumers not to use the female sexual enhancement supplement Zrect after it found the product to contain undeclared flibanserin, the chemical name for the FDA-approved prescription drug Addyi. While there have been no reports of adverse events to date, Addyi may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels when combined with certain prescription drugs containing nitrates, the FDA warns.
Referred to by some as the “female Viagra,” Addyi was approved in 2015 to treat low sexual desire in women. It was the first FDA-approved treatment for sexual desire disorders. The female libido drug has gotten mixed reviews.
Zrect has sold on Amazon and on Zrect.com and comes in packs of 30. A manufacturer’s recall in response to the FDA’s findings will provide full refunds to customers who return unused products. Consumers seeking refunds should contact the manufacturer, Organic Herbal Supply, at 855-429-7328.
Organic Herbal Supply has also issued a recall for Labida MAX — another of its supplements marketed to boost female sex drive that the FDA also found to contain undeclared Addyi. In addition, the FDA announced recalls for several male sexual enhancement products that the agency said harbored undeclared tadalafil, aka FDA-approved Cialis.
Find more of our arousing coverage on sexual enhancement supplements here.
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NAD takes issue with blanket disclosure regarding incentivized reviews.
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