
24 Results


Nerve Pain Away

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Nerve Pain Away

Homeopathic spray becomes the first to adopt disclosure admitting lack of scientific evidence.


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What consumers should know about this purported homeopathic product.

Smoke Remedy

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Smoke Remedy by Living Well Remedies promises you can quit smoking naturally with just one bottle. The bottle contains ingredients it says will help stop cravings if you just spray it…


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What to know about this real estate company’s advertising.

Winter Tonic Plus

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Winter Tonic Plus

The seasons change but the FDA’s position on unapproved drug treatment claims does not.

Bank of America

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Bank of America

A direct mail advertisement by Bank of America promoting low refinancing rates for homeowners has some consumer advocates concerned the materials may be misleading. American Banker reported this week that…

Hot Shot Bedbug Products

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Hot Shot Bedbug Products

You’ve heard the phrase before: “Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite.” But do products that make the promise to fight the creepy crawlers really get rid of them? Spectrum Brands Holdings,…

Earache Medicines

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Earache Medicines

The FDA sent warning letters to four earache medication makers demanding that the companies stop marketing their products, which the FDA has determined to be prescription drugs, as over-the-counter medicine.…


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Home security company sought to secure only positive reviews.

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