
20 Results


LegXercise Pro

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LegXercise Pro

Device maker does not have the clinical proof to back up its clinically proven claims.

Vapex E-Cigarette Freestarter Kit

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Vapex E-Cigarette Freestarter Kit

If e-cigarettes are your thing (and we’re not saying they should be), there are many options out there. Maybe this isn’t the best one.

Regal E-Cigs

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Regal E-Cigs

The more things change, the more misleading e-cigarette advertising stays the same.

The Honest Company

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The Honest Company

Company’s “free” trial for diapers and wipes could end up costing you big if you miss the terms.

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Here’s a radio ad we heard for   “Ladies, have you lost your passion? Are you uninterested in sex with your partner? Do you put off romance for more…

The Franklin Prosperity Report

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The Franklin Prosperity Report

Newsmax Media, a website that claims to be a news site, sells newsletter subscriptions and is currently pitching the Franklin Prosperity Report as a way to get “Free Stuff and…


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Enticing promotion for a Visa gift card has strings — and a cautionary tale from a consumer.

Cox Mobile

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Cox Mobile

Spoiler: In order to be eligible for Cox Mobile, customers must already have Cox Internet.