
48 Results


Cognivex Clarity

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Cognivex Clarity

The most vexing thing of all? The brain supplement admits there are no studies to back up its claims.

Macular Health

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Macular Health

FDA warns supplement maker about unapproved disease-treatment claims.


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Consumers would be wise to question the “real science” behind this supplement.

Regal E-Cigs

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Regal E-Cigs

The more things change, the more misleading e-cigarette advertising stays the same.

The Thrive Experience

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The Thrive Experience

Getting paid to live the “ultra premium” life sure sounds nice but it’s probably not attainable for most.


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If you’re looking for a partner’s marriage and divorce records, you’re going to have to look somewhere else.


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How Amazon steers consumers toward unproven and potentially dangerous products containing a fake vitamin called B17.

Luminess Air

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Luminess Air

This $29.95 trial offer could end up costing you hundreds of dollars if you don’t return it in time.

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