
48 Results



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Company claims to save consumers money at the pump. But there are red flags.

That Crazy Wrap Thing

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That Crazy Wrap Thing

The Ultimate Body Applicator, also sometimes called by its alter ego, “That Crazy Wrap Thing,” has become quite the rage in the fitness world. You might have seen these being…

Smoke Remedy

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Smoke Remedy by Living Well Remedies promises you can quit smoking naturally with just one bottle. The bottle contains ingredients it says will help stop cravings if you just spray it…

Term Life Savings

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Term Life Savings

We recently received this e-mail apparently offering term life insurance. From: TermLifeInsurance <[email protected]> Date: July 16, 2013 1:11:22 PM EDT To: Subject: USD 500k LifeInsurancePolicy for USD 20 Term LifeSavings…

Vapex E-Cigarette Freestarter Kit

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Vapex E-Cigarette Freestarter Kit

If e-cigarettes are your thing (and we’re not saying they should be), there are many options out there. Maybe this isn’t the best one.