
63 Results


Sony Xperia SP

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Sony Xperia SP

The ASA has found Sony’s advertising for the Xperia SP phone to be misleading.

Olay Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System

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Olay Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System

The National Advertising Division (NAD) is the advertising industry’s self-regulatory body administered by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. is advising Olay to discontinue claims that its Pro-X Advanced Cleansing…

Surface Protection Plus

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Surface Protection Plus

We got this spam email advertising “Surface Protection Plus,” which is a . . . something. The website doesn’t ever explain quite what Surface Protection Plus is, but it appears…

Nivea Vital Cream

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Nivea Vital Cream

The The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is a self-regulatory body that monitors advertising in the United Kingdom. has upheld a complaint concerning a Nivea Vital moisturizing cream advertisement. The ad…

Code Red Seven

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Code Red Seven

This radio ad for a product called Code Red Seven makes it sound pretty miraculous. “David” was suffering from decreased libido due to his unhealthy lifestyle, but apparently Code Red…

Bank of America

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Bank of America

A direct mail advertisement by Bank of America promoting low refinancing rates for homeowners has some consumer advocates concerned the materials may be misleading. American Banker reported this week that…


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Acne ads targeting teens come under scrutiny.


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Webpage pitching so-called smart pill raises several red flags.


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Consumers looking to increase their wealth may need to look elsewhere.


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MLM has been saying it will launch since 2018. Distributors are “fed up.”

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