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Spam email leads to a fake endorsement from Dr. Oz, among other celebrities.
Lyme disease is bad, but questionable treatment claims? Now that really bites.
Every summer people flock to beaches, parks, and forest trails to enjoy all that the season has to offer. But all this outdoor activity comes with an increased risk of exposure to ticks carrying Lyme disease, an infectious disease caused by bacteria.
According to the CDC, as many as 300,000 Americans contract Lyme disease every year, with the active season stretching from March all the way to November.
Dr. Bill Rawls says he suffered with the disease for years to the point where he was forced to leave his practice. He tried all kinds of conventional solutions until he found something that worked for him. He sheds light on his success story in a video on his website in which he says:
You have to take control over your life. You have to learn what you have to do to create a healing environment within the body. It’s not about treating a microbe or treating some process. It’s about restoring the normal capacity of the body to heal itself and that’s something that’s remarkable. It’s something that a drug cannot do. Fortunately there are things that can.
Things like, say, supplements. Because in addition to being a longtime sufferer of Lyme disease, Dr. Rawls is also the CEO of Vital Plan, whose supplements are available for purchase in an online store conveniently linked in the doctor’s testimonial.
There’s no consensus in the medical community, however, as to whether Lyme disease can be cured or if it stays in the body indefinitely. While the CDC maintains that a person infected with Lyme disease will not have it forever, it states that some people experience symptoms long after their antibiotic treatment. Even Dr. Rawls at the onset of his testimonial admits that it’s a complex condition and that “most doctors don’t understand” the disease.
Nevertheless, TINA.org found links to Dr. Rawls’ “Lyme Story” appearing prominently under search results for “Lyme disease cure” and “Lyme disease treatment” as strategically placed Google ads.
Remember, readers, marketing supplements as having the ability to treat, cure, alleviate the symptoms of, or prevent developing diseases and disorders is not permitted by law. If a health product really could do all that, then it would be a drug subject to rigorous study and testing to gain FDA approval.
Read more about TINA.org’s coverage on Lyme disease here. And for more information on Lyme disease symptoms and treatment, click here.
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