
97 Results


RollyChic Boots

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RollyChic Boots

Consumer says she was scammed by company, which advertised on Facebook. And she’s not the only one.

Stop Mandatory Vaccination

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Stop Mandatory Vaccination

ASA bans anti-vaccine group’s Facebook ad for misleading parents on the dangers of vaccinating their children.


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Prohibited income claims remain in publication despite consumer complaint to MLM’s compliance department.


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MLM has been saying it will launch since 2018. Distributors are “fed up.”


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Claims to prevent wine-induced headaches and hangovers lack scientific evidence.

Your Super

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Your Super review finds supplement company’s website riddled with inappropriate disease-treatment claims.

Coronavirus Scammers

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Coronavirus Scammers

Tranont distributor touts MLM’s nutritional supplements as a prevention for the coronavirus.

Hubble Contacts

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Hubble Contacts

The first box may be “free” (sort of) but the second one isn’t and it’s on its way before you know it.

Desert Farms Camel Milk

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Desert Farms Camel Milk

Be wary of claims that this product will get you over the hump of a serious disease or disorder.

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