
50 Results


Apollo Mental Clarity

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Apollo Mental Clarity

What’s not so clear? How this “smart pill” works and won’t just end up maxing out your credit card.


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Could this supplement replace sunscreen use?

American Beer Equipment

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American Beer Equipment

FTC scrutinizes beer equipment that doesn’t meet its standard to be marketed as American-made.


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Webpage pitching so-called smart pill raises several red flags.

Empower Network

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Empower Network

Empower Network says it is a “blogging platform, an intensive training, a secret blueprint on how to earn fifteen grand per month” (Stop right there, this vague description of what…

Emu Product Claims Questioned by FDA

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Emu Product Claims Questioned by FDA

Emu Products and Management, Inc. claimed on its website that its products could treat health problems including acne, arthritis, and high cholesterol. According to a warning letter from the FDA,…

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