Alkaline Water Plus
Are there really any benefits to drinking alkaline water?
Agency says products contain antibiotic, tylosin tartrate, that is not approved for use on pets.
Pets’ Spark claims its products can “bring back the glow in the eyes of your angel” by removing those unsightly reddish-brown tear stains that manifest under Fido’s eyes from excessive tearing.
While this claim may spark the interest of some pet owners, consumers should know that the FDA last month shipped warning letters to Pets’ Spark and the makers of similar tear stain removal products, notifying the companies that their goods contain an antibiotic (tylosin tartrate) that is not approved for use on pets.
The FDA also sent letters to the makers of Angels’ Eyes and Angels’ Glow. The agency said the products fall under its classification for unapproved animal drugs, and should cease being marketed or else the companies would face potential enforcement action.
“FDA has serious concerns about unapproved animal drugs,” the agency said. “Unapproved animal drugs are not reviewed by FDA and may not meet FDA’s strict standards for safety and effectiveness.”
But the products, at least as of this article, remain on the market. Pets’ Spark has yet to alter language cited in the FDA’s letter, Angels’ Eyes still sells its smallest bottle of beef formula for $24.50, and Angels’ Glow continues to use its tylosin ingredient as an actual selling point.
Online, Pets’ Spark and Angels’ Glow carry the disclaimer that their “statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials).” Angels’ Eyes, while in the same boat, has no such disclaimer on its website.
The extent to which this disclaimer is communicated on each product’s bottle labeling is unclear, but Angels’ Eyes labeling states that, “An examination from a veterinarian is recommended prior to using this product.” We second that.
WebMD also offers tips on how to deal with excessive tearing but warns that even approved antibiotics can lead to more severe problems.
For more of our coverage on pets and pet products, click here.
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Are there really any benefits to drinking alkaline water?
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