FDA & Dietary Supplements: By the Numbers Consumer News FDA & Dietary Supplements: By the Numbers Is the FDA doing enough to monitor the supplement industry?
How Amazon Promotes, Profits from Deceptively Marketed Brain Supplements Consumer News How Amazon Promotes, Profits from Deceptively Marketed Brain Supplements The largest retailer in the world isn’t just turning a blind eye to the deceptive marketing of these products.
The FDA’s Supplement Problem Consumer News The FDA’s Supplement Problem Agency attempts to get a handle on $40 billion industry.
Short Memory Lands CVS Brain Supplement in Legal Trouble Consumer News Short Memory Lands CVS Brain Supplement in Legal Trouble TINA.org finds that the marketing of Algal-900 DHA violates FTC order.
Oversight of Dubious Brain Supplement Products Under Scrutiny Consumer News Oversight of Dubious Brain Supplement Products Under Scrutiny U.S. Senators question FDA, retailers about supplements.
Children’s Supplement Deceptively Marketed Consumer News Children’s Supplement Deceptively Marketed Truthinadvertising.org warns company it will take action.
TINA.org Pursues Complaints Against Kids’ Supplement Consumer News TINA.org Pursues Complaints Against Kids’ Supplement Truthinadvertising.org alerts federal and state regulators to deceptive marketing.
Ad or Not? USA Today ‘Special Supplement’ Consumer News Ad or Not? USA Today ‘Special Supplement’ This may not be such an impartial review.
Children’s Supplement Maker Nourishlife Settles FTC Charges Consumer News Children’s Supplement Maker Nourishlife Settles FTC Charges Advertising of supplement was at center of TINA.org investigation.
Speech Supplement Maker Referred to FTC for Ad Claims Consumer News Speech Supplement Maker Referred to FTC for Ad Claims Competitor calls out supplement marketer on its claims.
Health Experts Call for More Vigorous Dietary Supplement Oversight Consumer News Health Experts Call for More Vigorous Dietary Supplement Oversight Tainted products pose serious health risks.
Thinking about Taking a Supplement for Brain Health? Not So Fast Consumer News Thinking about Taking a Supplement for Brain Health? Not So Fast Brain experts say save your money.
Consumer Alert: Menopause Supplements Consumer News Consumer Alert: Menopause Supplements Proceed with caution when it comes to menopause marketing.
TINA.org Complaints Spur Changes to Supplement’s Marketing Consumer News TINA.org Complaints Spur Changes to Supplement’s Marketing Dietary supplement company changes website and promotions for kids product.
FTC Comes Down on Drink, Supplement That Targeted Cancer Patients Consumer News FTC Comes Down on Drink, Supplement That Targeted Cancer Patients Agency settles with supplement maker over “false or unsupported claims.”
By the Numbers: Federal Crackdown on Dietary Supplements Consumer News By the Numbers: Federal Crackdown on Dietary Supplements Regulators send united message about deceptively marketed supplements.
TINA.org Renews Effort on Deceptively Marketed Supplement Consumer News TINA.org Renews Effort on Deceptively Marketed Supplement European agency rules that marketing of formula is misleading.
Cow Colostrum Supplements Consumer News Cow Colostrum Supplements What you need to know about what some are calling “liquid gold.”
Supplements for Brain Bruises? Consumer News Supplements for Brain Bruises? They don’t exist, warns FDA.
TINA’s Take: Supplement Maker Sued for Alleged ‘Review Hijacking’ on Amazon Consumer News TINA’s Take: Supplement Maker Sued for Alleged ‘Review Hijacking’ on Amazon Company to pay $600,000 for allegedly manipulating product pages.