
215 Results


Marley Drug

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Marley Drug

Thinking about buying Viagra-like medication online? Think twice.

Prescription Drug Lawsuits

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Prescription Drug Lawsuits

“If you or a loved one…” has seen or heard ads that start like this, don’t toss your medications just yet.

Rebranded Drugs

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Rebranded Drugs

Some drugs are the same except for their names and packaging. For example: Sarafem, marketed as a treatment for Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder, is the same drug as Prozac, marketed as…

Discover CBD

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Discover CBD

Unapproved drug treatment claims remain in wake of FDA warning letter.


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FDA warns marketer of illegal tianeptine supplement about unapproved drug treatment claims.

Life Extension

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Life Extension

FDA cites more than 400 products touting unapproved drug treatment claims.

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