
12 Results


Credit Karma

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Credit Karma

Upgrading your living situation with the help of this credit-monitoring app depends on the credit score your landlord looks at.

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“You don’t have time for the problems a low credit score creates,” says this radio ad for   “Although your results may vary, our past customers have seen an…

Free Score 360

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Free Score 360

As seen in our spam inbox. Want to check your credit reports? Contact one of the three credit bureaus — One of the primary consumer credit reporting agencies, Equifax and…

Apollo Mental Clarity

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Apollo Mental Clarity

What’s not so clear? How this “smart pill” works and won’t just end up maxing out your credit card.

Instant Checkmate

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Instant Checkmate

Instant Checkmate advertises its “new controversial” website as a way for “anyone with a computer” to view arrest records and perform background checks on friends and family. But can they…