Nashoba Granola’s ‘Love’ Ingredient Ad Alert Nashoba Granola’s ‘Love’ Ingredient The FDA makes itself clear in warning letter to bakery: It is a regulator, not a romantic.
Blissoma Ad Alert Blissoma The FDA is far from blissed-out about this skin care company’s health claims.
JÙS By Julie Ad Alert JÙS By Julie FDA puts the squeeze on juice company’s claims to treat serious diseases.
Hemp Garden Tea Ad Alert Hemp Garden Tea The FDA conducted an inspection of Green Planet Inc and found that Green Planet’s supplement Hemp Garden Tea was an unapproved drug being advertised in violation of FDA regulations. The…
Cili Health Store Ad Alert Cili Health Store FDA warns online health store of unapproved drug treatment claims.
YumEarth Organics Pops Ad Alert YumEarth Organics Pops You may be very, very surprised to learn what’s missing in this company’s “very very cherry” pops.
HairMax LaserComb: Magic Bullet for Baldness or Follicle Fallacy? Ad Alert HairMax LaserComb: Magic Bullet for Baldness or Follicle Fallacy? How one company turned a clearance into a sales pitch.
SexRx Ad Alert SexRx The FDA is advising consumers to stay away from “SexRx,” a sexual-enhancement supplement sold in some retail stores and on websites. According to the FDA: FDA laboratory analysis confirmed that…
Tiger King Ad Alert Tiger King The FDA is advising consumers to stay away from “Tiger King,” a sexual-enhancement supplement sold in some retail stores and on websites. According to the FDA: FDA laboratory analysis confirmed…
American Lifestyle Ad Alert American Lifestyle FDA says undeclared ingredients in sex pills available for purchase online pose serious health risks.
JINQIANGBUDOR Red Dragon Ad Alert JINQIANGBUDOR Red Dragon The FDA is advising consumers to stay away from “JINQIANGBUDOR Red Dragon,” a sexual-enhancement supplement sold in some retail stores and on websites. According to the FDA: FDA laboratory analysis…
Williams-Sonoma’s Halloween Slice & Bake Cookies Ad Alert Williams-Sonoma’s Halloween Slice & Bake Cookies Some colorful ingredients undermine specialty retailer’s “all-natural” claim.
Night Bullet Male Sexual Enhancer Capsules Ad Alert Night Bullet Male Sexual Enhancer Capsules The FDA conducted an inspection of Green Planet Inc and found that Green Planet’s supplement Night Bullet Male Sexual Enhancer Capsules was an unapproved drug being advertised in violation of…
Dolphin Intertrade Corporation Ad Alert Dolphin Intertrade Corporation The FDA has issued a warning letter to Dolphin Intertrade Corporation because the company is allegedly marketing supplements that contain an unapproved prescription drug ingredient. According to the FDA, Dolphin…
Tylenol Ad Alert Tylenol A new in-depth report by ProPublica and This American Life is questioning Tylenol’s safety and labeling.
Strawberry Balance Ad Alert Strawberry Balance The FDA is advising consumers to avoid “Strawberry Balance,” a product sold for weight-loss that was found to contain hidden drug ingredients. According to the FDA, FDA laboratory analysis confirmed…
Silver Sword Ad Alert Silver Sword The FDA is advising consumers to stay away from “Silver Sword,” a sexual-enhancement supplement sold in some retail stores and on websites, including Ebay and (Don’t go to…
Culturelle Ultimate Balance for Antibiotics Ad Alert Culturelle Ultimate Balance for Antibiotics Is this company using unapproved drug claims to market its probiotic supplement?
Divi Scalp Serum Ad Alert Divi Scalp Serum Divi isn’t the only company that advertises its products can grow hair and prevent hair loss, in violation of the law.