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Rosland Capital

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Rosland Capital

Precious metals seller paints a grim financial picture. But investing in gold or silver may not brighten the day.

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Ad regulator bans Facebook ad for failing to disclose risks of investing in NFTs.

We Buy Ugly Houses

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We Buy Ugly Houses

Real estate investing franchise may deduct a pretty penny from the market value of your home.

The Biblical Money Code

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The Biblical Money Code

Imagine if you had a secret code for making money. So says an infomercial for “The Biblical Money Code.” You may have seen the same program promoted all over the…

Kenall Lighting

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Kenall Lighting

Company sees that light after FTC inquiry into its made in the USA claims.

Verizon 5G in NFL Stadiums

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Verizon 5G in NFL Stadiums

Access to faster download speeds, among other touted features of Verizon 5G, may depend on where you are in the stadium.

Fisher Investments

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Fisher Investments

Unearthing the fees that Fisher charges but doesn’t disclose in some of its TV ads.


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Consumers looking to increase their wealth may need to look elsewhere.

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We recently ran across an ad for, oil-investment company Nakoma Petroleum’s website. Nakoma’s site and videos seem to be designed to lure in the kind of consumer who has…

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