
1506 Results


Dr. Sherrill Sellman

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Dr. Sherrill Sellman

How a naturopathic doctor doubled down on her deceptive COVID-19 claims and attracted the attention of federal regulators.

Boll & Branch

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Boll & Branch

Radio host’s suggestion that advertiser’s bedding products are made in the USA misses the mark.

Verizon 5G in NFL Stadiums

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Verizon 5G in NFL Stadiums

Access to faster download speeds, among other touted features of Verizon 5G, may depend on where you are in the stadium.


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Vivoo digs into wellness app’s claims to track immunity, among other things, via urinalysis.

The Perfect Part

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The Perfect Part

Opportunistic eBay seller falsely claims alleged surgical face masks are FDA approved.


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Class-action lawsuit against cookware company challenges its “green” claims.

Burger King Rebel Whopper

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Burger King Rebel Whopper

U.K. regulator bans ads it said misleadingly implied that burger was suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

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