
25 Results


Stone Academy

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Stone Academy

Reader says for-profit college misled her on the type of job she could get with a degree from the school.

Penn Foster College

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Penn Foster College

For-profit college reaches settlement with Oregon Department of Justice over accreditation claims.

Corinthian Colleges

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Corinthian Colleges

For-profit company ordered to pay more than $1 billion for a number of deceptive practices.

Check Out that For-Profit College Before Enrolling

Consumer News

Check Out that For-Profit College Before Enrolling

Before enrolling in a for-profit college, check out this government investigation of 15 colleges that  revealed questionable practices that potential students should be mindful of when considering where to enroll. …

Ashford University

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Ashford University

“I think this is a scam, an absolute scam,” Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) said of Bridgepoint, the parent company of the for-profit Ashford University, during a Senate hearing in 2011.…

Doctoral Degrees at Capella University

Class Action

Doctoral Degrees at Capella University

In April 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against for-profit school Capella University for allegedly operating a bait-and-switch doctoral degree program. Specifically, plaintiffs claim that the school misleadingly represents the…


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Chain of private colleges faces lawsuit over post-graduation earnings claims.

Excelsior College’s Nursing Program

Class Action

Excelsior College’s Nursing Program

In October 2017, a false advertising class-action lawsuit was filed against Excelsior College for allegedly making misrepresentations about its Associate Degree in Nursing program. Among other things, the complaint claims…

InterCoast Career Institute’s Nursing Program in Maine

Class Action

InterCoast Career Institute’s Nursing Program in Maine

In December 2016, a class-action lawsuit was filed against InterCoast Career Institute (a for-profit college) for allegedly operating a “sham” practical nursing education program in Maine that provided little educational…

InterCoast Career Institute’s LPN Program

Class Action

InterCoast Career Institute’s LPN Program

In August 2017, a class-action lawsuit was filed against InterCoast Career Institute (a for-profit school) for allegedly providing little, if any, educational value to students in its LPN nursing program…

Charlotte School of Law

Class Action

Charlotte School of Law

In December 2016, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Charlotte School of Law for allegedly failing to inform current and prospective students about the school’s failure to comply with American…

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