Ebola-C Told to Drop Treatment Claims Ad Alert Ebola-C Told to Drop Treatment Claims Feds send joint warning letter to marketers of dietary supplement over unapproved Ebola treatment claims.
Provailen’s Treatment Claims Challenged Ad Alert Provailen’s Treatment Claims Challenged Dietary supplement Provailen is making bold statements regarding arthritis treatment. NAD refers to FTC for further review.
BeActive Brace Loses Some Sciatica Treatment Claims Ad Alert BeActive Brace Loses Some Sciatica Treatment Claims Marketers make alterations to website after reportedly meeting with FDA officials.
doTerra Brands doTerra TINA.org found essential oils MLM repeatedly using illegal disease-treatment claims despite numerous warnings.
Young Living’s Unapproved Drug Treatment Claims, Part 5? Ad Alert Young Living’s Unapproved Drug Treatment Claims, Part 5? Latest FDA warning cements MLM’s status as a repeat offender.
NourishLife speak (Lifetrients) Brands NourishLife speak (Lifetrients) TINA.org investigated NourishLife (which later changed its name to Lifetrients) and found that it was deceptively advertising a potentially harmful supplement called SpeechNutrients speak by, among other things, claiming it…
FDA Stings Zarbee’s Naturals for Treatment Claims Ad Alert FDA Stings Zarbee’s Naturals for Treatment Claims Agency warns about “likes” on its own Facebook page.
FTC Brain Claims Cases Since 1995 Consumer News FTC Brain Claims Cases Since 1995 Since 1995, the FTC has brought nearly 70 actions over deceptive brain claims.
Agora Disease-Treatment Claims — 2021 Collection Evidence Agora Disease-Treatment Claims — 2021 Collection The Stipulating Parties in FTC v. Agora Financial, LLC, et al. are violating the February 8, 2021 Stipulated Order by, among other things, continuing to market products (primarily supplements and…
Tom Brady and TB12’s Implied Coronavirus-Treatment Claims Ad Alert Tom Brady and TB12’s Implied Coronavirus-Treatment Claims Launch of star QB’s “immunity supplement” comes in the middle of a pandemic. Coincidence?
Immunotec Brands Immunotec TINA.org investigated Immunotec as part of its larger investigations into unsubstantiated disease-treatment claims and atypical income claims used by MLM companies. To read more about TINA.org’s 2023 MLM Income Claims…
Op-ed: Multi-level marketers need to stop disease-treatment claims Media Coverage Op-ed: Multi-level marketers need to stop disease-treatment claims Bonnie Patten, The Salt Lake Tribune
Neora/Nerium Brands Neora/Nerium TINA.org investigated Neora, formerly known as Nerium International, a Texas-based multilevel marketing company that sells a line of skin care products, as well as supplements, and found that the company…
Herbalife Brands Herbalife TINA.org investigated Herbalife, a California-based multilevel marketing company that sells nutritional supplements, and found that the company has used unsubstantiated disease-treatment claims to market its products, as well as atypical…
Agora (Monument & Cathedral Holdings) Brands Agora (Monument & Cathedral Holdings) TINA.org found Agora companies violating an FTC order with deceptive disease-treatment and financial claims, and dark patterns.
Sunrider Brands Sunrider TINA.org investigated Sunrider as part of its larger investigations into unsubstantiated disease-treatment claims and atypical income claims used by MLM companies. To read more about TINA.org’s 2023 MLM Income Claims…
Le-Vel (Thrive) Brands Le-Vel (Thrive) TINA.org investigated Le-Vel Brands, LLC, a Texas-based multilevel marketing company, and found that it used unsubstantiated health and disease-treatment claims to market its flagship product line of supplements, shakes, and…
Shaklee Brands Shaklee TINA.org investigated Shaklee as part of its larger investigations into unsubstantiated disease-treatment claims and atypical income claims used by MLM companies. To read more about TINA.org’s 2023 MLM Income Claims…
Amway Brands Amway TINA.org investigated Amway as part of its larger investigations into unsubstantiated disease-treatment claims and atypical income claims used by MLM companies. To read more about TINA.org’s 2023 MLM Income Claims…