Federal Laws Governing Ads Consumer Basics Federal Laws Governing Ads There are many federal laws that regulate advertisements in some way or another.
Things You Should Know about E-Cigarettes Consumer News Things You Should Know about E-Cigarettes Surgeon General calls e-cigarettes a health risk for youngsters; advocates call for tougher marketing restrictions.
Who Can You Complain to at the Federal Level? Consumer Basics Who Can You Complain to at the Federal Level? A topic-by-topic list of federal agencies that deal with deceptive advertising.
UK Cracking Down on E-Cig Ads Consumer News UK Cracking Down on E-Cig Ads Several e-cigarette ads banned in Britain while U.S. ads remain unregulated.
FDA Urged to Move Quickly on E-Cigarette Cessation Claims Consumer News FDA Urged to Move Quickly on E-Cigarette Cessation Claims Groups say cessation claims in apparent violation of federal law.
Consumers Getting Smoked by E-Cigs Consumer News Consumers Getting Smoked by E-Cigs Consumers complain to feds that various e-cig companies are fleecing them into repeated credit card charges for vapor products.
TINA’S TAKE: Will FDA E-Cigarette Rules Go Up in Smoke? Consumer News TINA’S TAKE: Will FDA E-Cigarette Rules Go Up in Smoke? Obama-era tobacco “Deeming Rule” takes on heat as new administration reviews requirements.
Food and Drug Administration Consumer Basics Food and Drug Administration The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the federal agency that is responsible for protecting public health through regulation and supervision of several different types of products, including food…
E-Cigarettes Hitting Teen Targets? Consumer News E-Cigarettes Hitting Teen Targets? As more teens vape, lawmakers worry about e-cig ads.
Vapex Brands Vapex TINA.org investigated Vapex, a Utah-based company that sold e-cigarettes, and found that it falsely claimed consumers could receive a “Free Trial’’ offer, used fake testimonials, falsely claimed it won a…
Study Says ‘Drink Responsibly’ Messages Fall Terribly Short Consumer News Study Says ‘Drink Responsibly’ Messages Fall Terribly Short Messages promote products instead of conveying relevant public health information, study finds.
FDA To Probe E-Cig Smoking Cessation Claims Consumer News FDA To Probe E-Cig Smoking Cessation Claims Agency’s inquiry based on findings of TINA.org investigation.
Aussie Smokers Getting Eyeful with Each Inhale Consumer News Aussie Smokers Getting Eyeful with Each Inhale Down Under smokers are getting a mouthful of warnings with their cigarettes.
Vape Shop Criteria Consumer News Vape Shop Criteria Health: Healthier than tobacco (also safer) Nicotine isn’t bad for you/is safe It’s only water vapor No toxins/carcinogens No second-hand smoke No negative side effects of e-cigarettes Cheaper: Cheaper than…
FDA Bans Sale of Puff Bar E-Cigarettes, the ‘New Juul’ Consumer News FDA Bans Sale of Puff Bar E-Cigarettes, the ‘New Juul’ The disposable e-cigarette has replaced Juul as the go-to vape for minors.
FDA Releases Ads Aimed at Snuffing out Smoking among Teens Consumer News FDA Releases Ads Aimed at Snuffing out Smoking among Teens New campaign focuses on real costs of cigarettes.