
104 Results


Naples Soap Company

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Naples Soap Company

From “cruelty free” to “Made in the USA,” finds personal care company’s marketing awash with questionable labels.

June – July 2015 Collection


June – July 2015 Collection

Below are 200 examples of Made in the USA misrepresentations on found between June 22 and July 13, 2015. Group 1: Instances in which the USA label is…


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There’s a financial wrinkle to this “free” serum.

Mario Badescu Healing Cream

Class Action

Mario Badescu Healing Cream

A settlement has been reached in a class-action lawsuit filed against Mario Badescu Skin Care Inc. in February 2013. The complaint alleges that the company fails to disclose that its…

Acure Organics

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Acure Organics

Don’t let the URL fool you; the vast majority of these personal care products are not certified organic.

Babyganics Products

Class Action

Babyganics Products

November 2018: A federal judge granted final approval of the settlement agreement. June 2018: A federal judge preliminarily approved a settlement of this lawsuit. According to the settlement terms, class…

Aloe Veritas

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Aloe Veritas

MLM becomes the first to have its ad claims referred to the FTC by direct selling self-regulatory program.

DSA Companies Health Claims


DSA Companies Health Claims found that 97% of DSA-member companies selling supplements have used unsubstantiated disease-treatment claims.


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Does this “practically” risk free guarantee have a catch?


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FDA warns skin care company to wash treatment claims off its site.

Proactiv Auto-Renewal Subscription

Class Action

Proactiv Auto-Renewal Subscription

May 2017: A judge granted final approval of the settlement. February 2017: A judge preliminarily approved a settlement of a false advertising class-action lawsuit filed against Guthy-Renker (the company that…

Wet Ones Hand Wipes

Class Action

Wet Ones Hand Wipes

In July 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Edgewell Personal Care for allegedly falsely marketing that Wet Ones hand wipes “Kill[] 99.99% of Germs” when, according to the complaint,…

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