Testim ‘Low T’ May Be a High Risk Ad Alert Testim ‘Low T’ May Be a High Risk Consumers should heed the warnings before turning to this “low T” gel that promises to revive a man’s mojo.
Frontier Airlines’ Low Fares Ad Alert Frontier Airlines’ Low Fares Lawsuit accuses airline of running a bait and switch.
‘Free’ or ‘Low Cost’ Back and Knee Braces Ad Alert ‘Free’ or ‘Low Cost’ Back and Knee Braces FTC alerts consumers to Medicare scam.
Bud Light’s Lime-A-Rita Ad Alert Bud Light’s Lime-A-Rita Margarita-flavored malt beverage may not be as low-calorie or low-carb as you think.
Dry Farm Wines Ad Alert Dry Farm Wines Drinking low alcohol wines to avoid a hangover? Here’s why that doesn’t work.
The High Cost of SmartFares.com Ad Alert The High Cost of SmartFares.com Everyone wants to travel cheaply. But be wary of travel sites advertising extraordinarily low prices.
The Franklin Prosperity Report Ad Alert The Franklin Prosperity Report Newsmax Media, a website that claims to be a news site, sells newsletter subscriptions and is currently pitching the Franklin Prosperity Report as a way to get “Free Stuff and…
Capillus Laser Hats Ad Alert Capillus Laser Hats Taking the lid off company’s claims that laser hats are “FDA cleared” and “clinically proven” to regrow hair.
Did Miller Just Say it Invented Light Beer? Ad Alert Did Miller Just Say it Invented Light Beer? Why yes it did. But you should know that there’s a certain spin to this tale featured in current ads.
Medicaid Insurance Site Holds No Benefit for Consumers Ad Alert Medicaid Insurance Site Holds No Benefit for Consumers Website claims to provide Medicaid assistance but your personal information is at risk.
Xtreme Muscle Pro Ad Alert Xtreme Muscle Pro Xtreme Muscle Pro, a fitness supplement, makes a lot of ridiculous-sounding claims on its website (“Convert fat to muscle!” “Hydrate blood cells!” and best of all, “More than 1 ingredient!”),…
‘How We Trade Options’ Ad Alert ‘How We Trade Options’ This “free” book offer isn’t exactly free and one TINA.org reader said it almost cost her plenty.
You Won’t Believe Her Transformation – Dermal Meds Ad Alert You Won’t Believe Her Transformation – Dermal Meds We don’t believe it either. We saw this ad online advertising Dermal Meds, a line of anti-aging beauty products. But we also saw a number of problems with its marketing.…
FloSports, FloWrestling Ad Alert FloSports, FloWrestling Streaming service advertises a monthly rate for a wrestling package that has no monthly plan.
Testosterone Gels Ad Alert Testosterone Gels Your browser does not support the video tag. Perhaps you’ve seen television ads for testosterone gels like AndroGel, which promise to help men with decreased sex drive, moodiness, and low…
SlimFast’s ‘Clinically Proven’ Weight-Loss Claims Ad Alert SlimFast’s ‘Clinically Proven’ Weight-Loss Claims Recent inquiry takes aim at company’s “clinically proven” weight-loss claims, with a somewhat surprising result.
CanAmerica Global and Allerject Ad Alert CanAmerica Global and Allerject Online pharmacy selling injectable epinephrine attracts the attention of the FDA.
iFit Coach Membership Ad Alert iFit Coach Membership Low monthly rates must be added up and paid for in advance.
Bulletproof Coffee Ad Alert Bulletproof Coffee If you take your coffee with a stick of butter, be wary of miracle health claims.