
17 Results


Crunch Fitness

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Crunch Fitness

Adding up the fees associated with this gym’s memberships is its own workout.

Iron Company

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Iron Company

FTC spots potentially misleading made in the USA claims in company’s marketing.


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Different name, same not-so-free “free” trial and illegal health claims.

That Crazy Wrap Thing

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That Crazy Wrap Thing

The Ultimate Body Applicator, also sometimes called by its alter ego, “That Crazy Wrap Thing,” has become quite the rage in the fitness world. You might have seen these being…

Xtreme Muscle Pro

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Xtreme Muscle Pro

Xtreme Muscle Pro, a fitness supplement, makes a lot of ridiculous-sounding claims on its website (“Convert fat to muscle!” “Hydrate blood cells!” and best of all, “More than 1 ingredient!”),…


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FabFitFun reader is still waiting for her promised free Kate Spade gift.

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What’s the honor of being a member of this honor society? And what real benefits does it offer?