If it Costs Money to Win A Scholarship, Think Again Consumer News If it Costs Money to Win A Scholarship, Think Again While the cost of tuition is going through the roof, it’s not surprising that students are looking for any help they can get to finance the college dream. Scholarships, grants,…
TINA’s Take: Supreme Court Considers Whether Liars Can Keep Money They Stole Blog TINA’s Take: Supreme Court Considers Whether Liars Can Keep Money They Stole TINA.org files brief in critical case concerning FTC authority.
What You Should Know about Vemma Consumer News What You Should Know about Vemma Investigation reveals a number of questionable practices.
Check ‘N Go Class Action Check ‘N Go February 2015: A federal judge dismissed this case concluding that plaintiffs failed to state a claim upon which relief could be granted. August 2013: A class-action lawsuit was filed against…
Agora Still Using Deception and Dark Patterns to Ensnare Seniors Consumer News Agora Still Using Deception and Dark Patterns to Ensnare Seniors TINA.org refers publishing giant to FTC for enforcement action.
The Biblical Money Code Ad Alert The Biblical Money Code Imagine if you had a secret code for making money. So says an infomercial for “The Biblical Money Code.” You may have seen the same program promoted all over the…
TINA.org’s Year In Review 2013 Blog TINA.org’s Year In Review 2013 What we did this year on TINA.org.