
25 Results


Blue Moon

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Blue Moon

Class-action lawsuit says MillerCoors falsely advertises Blue Moon as a craft beer.

$3 Blue Pill

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$3 Blue Pill

Save tons of money on Viagra? What to know before you jump at this radio ad for the “blue pill.”


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Don’t let the claims about these blue-light blocking glasses blind you to the facts.

B&H Photo

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B&H Photo reader says electronics store failed to honor 14 percent discount.

Extreme Iceland

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Extreme Iceland

Is a trip to Iceland to view the northern lights on your bucket list? What you see may be nothing like the photos on the travel site.

Coors Light

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Coors Light

You there, beer drinker. You may think Coors Light comes in the world’s most refreshing can because Coors’ ads say as much. After all, what could be more refreshing than…

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