Ad Alert

Stonyfield Wild Berry Smoothie

The really wild part? Not all the berries depicted on packaging appear to make it into the product.


Ad Alert

Stonyfield Wild Berry Smoothie

On its website Stonyfield says its wild berry smoothie is “where berries go to get wild.” We would have guessed Cancún. Or Turks and Caicos. You know, some place warm. In any case, not all the berries depicted on packaging (see above) appear to make it into the product, a reader alerted

Indeed, of the four fruits pictured — blackberry, blueberry, strawberry and raspberry — only one is listed in the ingredients and it’s in concentrate form (Organic Blueberry Juice Concentrate), as opposed to whole fruit as represented on packaging.

Where’s the blackberry, strawberry and raspberry, our reader wondered.

In response to an inquiry by, Stonyfield said the fruit is in there, reflected in the ingredients as “natural flavor,” an umbrella term that may not mean what you think it means. For one thing, it’s not all that different from artificial flavor.

Find more of our coverage on hidden and missing ingredients here.

This ad alert was updated 10/1/19.

Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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