Face Mask Sellers on eBay Falsely Claim Products are ‘FDA Approved’ Consumer News Face Mask Sellers on eBay Falsely Claim Products are ‘FDA Approved’ TINA.org investigation also finds sellers using the FDA’s logo in violation of the agency’s logo policy.
Google Takes Down Amazon’s ‘Shop FDA Approved Supplements’ Ad Following TINA.org Inquiry Ad Alert Google Takes Down Amazon’s ‘Shop FDA Approved Supplements’ Ad Following TINA.org Inquiry Search engine also removes slider of ‘sponsored’ products in response to TINA.org inquiry.
Snow Teeth Whitening Brands Snow Teeth Whitening TINA.org investigated Snow Teeth Whitening, an Arizona-based dental cosmetics company, and found that it was improperly using an FDA logo in its marketing materials, including on its product packaging, website,…
New U Life Brands New U Life TINA.org investigated New U Life, Inc., a Utah-based multilevel marketing company that sells and markets supplements and nutraceuticals. The investigation revealed a host of issues, including an emphasis on recruitment…
What You Should Know about New U Life Consumer News What You Should Know about New U Life MLM company New U Life is no fountain of youth.
Diamond Beauty Brands Diamond Beauty TINA.org investigated Diamond Beauty Company, a North Carolina-based dental cosmetics company, and found that it was improperly using an FDA logo in its marketing materials in violation of the FDA’s…
What’s the FDA’s Logo Doing on Snow Teeth Whitening’s Packaging? Ad Alert What’s the FDA’s Logo Doing on Snow Teeth Whitening’s Packaging? Agency prohibits its logo from appearing on private sector materials. Snow says it has connections.
FDA Registered, Cleared, Approved: What’s the Difference? Consumer Basics FDA Registered, Cleared, Approved: What’s the Difference? Medical devices like to tout their status with the FDA. But what’s behind these terms?
Reliefband Anti-Nausea Wristband Ad Alert Reliefband Anti-Nausea Wristband Fusing of “FDA cleared” and “clinically proven” claims has potential to mislead consumers.
The Perfect Part Ad Alert The Perfect Part Opportunistic eBay seller falsely claims alleged surgical face masks are FDA approved.
A Year after Signaling E-Cig Action, FDA Issues First Warning Letters Consumer News A Year after Signaling E-Cig Action, FDA Issues First Warning Letters Sites warned about misleading claims.
Neurolumen Ad Alert Neurolumen Brochure for medical device targeted military members with illegal claims to treat PTSD, among other diseases.
New U Life “FDA Registered/Approved” Claims Evidence New U Life “FDA Registered/Approved” Claims A TINA.org investigation has cataloged dozens of instances in which New U Life and its distributors have marketed the company’s flagship product Somaderm Gel using the deceptive term “FDA registered” or the…
Germbullet and Others Won’t Save You from the Flu Consumer News Germbullet and Others Won’t Save You from the Flu FDA cracks down on companies promoting flu aids that claim to combat the germs.
FDA Tackles CBD Consumer News FDA Tackles CBD FDA to consider legal pathways for cannabis-derived compound.
Smoke Remedy Ad Alert Smoke Remedy Smokeremedy.com by Living Well Remedies promises you can quit smoking naturally with just one bottle. The bottle contains ingredients it says will help stop cravings if you just spray it…
Diamond Beauty Teeth Whitening Kit Ad Alert Diamond Beauty Teeth Whitening Kit There is no such thing as an ‘FDA approved’ teeth whitening kit.
Crystal Flush Ad Alert Crystal Flush A number of deceptive marketing issues should keep consumers on their toes.